Monday, February 20, 2012

Mug Banana Bread

This morning I was really craving banana bread, but no way was I going to make a whole loaf for one just piece.

First of all, Mr. Vittles doesn't really like it- so then I get stuck with all this bread, that I either have to eat by myself or give away.

Secondly, I had a very busy President's Day morning ahead that included sitting on the couch and watching Wife Swap reruns on Lifetime.  I needed banana bread, pronto.

But how?

I was thinking, since I've been seeing mug brownies & cakes all over Pinterest, maybe it's possible to make muffins or quick bread in a mug?

After a quick Google search, I found a lot of recipes that didn't look very appetizing.  I was starting to get discouraged when I finally found one that had some promise, on a blog called Micki's Morsels.  She had some really yummy-looking photos on her main page, so this seemed like a good source.

I still had my doubts that the microwave could produce a worthy substitute for oven-baked banana bread, but I decided to give it a shot.  Let me tell you, I was happy to be proven wrong.

It isn't an exact replica, and has a slight eggy aftertaste - but for me the good points definitely outweigh the bad.  The bread has a good consistency, and is very moist & yummy.  Not to mention it's a quick & easy way to make a single serving.   I will make this again for sure!

Mug Banana Bread

  • 3 T. + 1 t. all-purpose flour 
  • 1 packet stevia (or other sweetener of your choice equivalent to 2 t. sugar)
  • 2 T. brown sugar
  • 1/8 tsp. salt
  • 1/8 tsp. baking powder
  • 1/8 tsp. baking soda
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4  t. vanilla extract
  • 1 T. vegetable oil
  • 1 T. lowfat milk
  • half a banana, mashed
  • cinnamon, for sprinkling (optional)

In a large microwaveable mug lightly misted with non-stick spray, blend flour, sugars, salt, baking powder & baking soda. Add egg & mix until all the dry ingredients are incorporated. Stir in vanilla, oil & milk, then mashed banana.  Microwave 1-1/2 minutes to 3 minutes, depending on your microwave.

*You can stop it & peek in the door at 90 seconds to check if its done - it will probably rise over the top of the mug as it's heating, & if it's still runny it's not done yet.  But be careful not to overcook!  I have a pretty bad microwave, and mine took about 2 1/2 minutes.

Adapted from Mickis Morsels


  1. ooo i love this idea! I'm going to have to try this! Sometimes when I make banana bread I end up wasting half a loaf, this is perfect!

    1. Vittles And Bits: Mug Banana Bread >>>>> Download Now

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  2. How cool! I love mug cakes, and had no idea you could make mug breads! Thanks for sharing this treat :)

  3. What a great idea. Sometimes I have an urgent appointment with a day of Project Runway marathons on that same channel. It's good to know I can quickly make this for sustenance during those critical times :) Thanks!

  4. What a brilliant idea! I LOVE banana bread and these make the perfect little servings, perfect! :)

  5. This does look like the perfect treat for one! My husband is not usually interested in sweets, so glad to find this recipe. Perfect thing to get you past that craving. It looks tasty! Great post!

  6. So happy I have my hands on this recipe. I see it coming in handy very often.

  7. Perfect size. Not many banana bread lovers in my family so this would work very well. Maybe too well!

  8. This is awesome! I LOVE this idea for a mug recipe. You're a genius!

  9. This recipe is super fun and sounds really simple. Thanks for the great idea!

  10. Great idea! I'd much rather have this than a mug brownie any day. :)

  11. Yes! This is awesome and I'm trying it immediately! Great post! (I'm always looking for quick cakes/breads.)

  12. Such a fun idea. Sometimes you just can't have a loaf sitting around tempting you.

  13. I am totally trying this asap! (Though, I am a little fearful of the eggy aftertaste)

    1. Hey Kita! I'm pretty sensitive to things that taste eggy so I think you should be ok - if it was bad I wouldn't have posted the recipe. Just didn't want others to be unwarned if they noticed it! :)

    2. I've found that half a "flax egg" works well in mug recipes: 1 1/2 tsp ground flax + 1 Tbl water; beat until it thickens a little.
      You can also try 1 - 2 Tbl Egg Beaters or other egg-ish substitute that you can freeze the rest.
      And I have a friend who just omits the egg altogether. I find the cake a bit dense, but he makes them that way all the time; he and his kids love them.

    3. That's a great idea, I've used flax eggs in other recipes but never thought to try that in a mug cake. Thanks for the tip!!

  14. This is a GREAT idea! I would have never thought to make banana bread this way. So excited to give it a try!

  15. Try whisking the egg before adding it to the mug and only put in 2 Tablespoons of it, and save the rest for another mug later in the week!

    1. Wonderful recipe. Can't wait to try it! I keep eggbeaters on hand in case i run out of eggs I think they are egg whites w/o the yolks so that might eliminate the eggy taste.

    2. Thank you for the tip! I did that and mine came out with hardly an egg taste at all!

    3. this banana bread was disgusting! sorry for whoever made this recipie ;o

  16. This is a very cool recipe idea. I'm going to make this tomorrow morning and add walnuts to it. I might also add mini chocolate chips, as well. If it turns out as well as expected, I'm going to branch out to other mug breads. (like cranberry pecan and zucchini walnut) I love nuts, can you tell?

  17. Can't wait to try this on August 27th - National Banana Lovers Day !!!!!

  18. I just made this recipe, it was very good, not like the real thing but close

  19. If this truly works it's a godsend for my sweet tooth knowing that I'm limited on what I can eat for snacks.

  20. I'm so excited to try this!! I Love banana bread and so happy I don't have to wait like I would when I bake a loaf!! Instant yumminess!

  21. I made these today. Turned out nice. No problems could use a little bit more banana. But they are fun.

  22. I was craving some sweet yummy goodness after dinner last night, and I wanted to make something quick in a mug. I had bananas available, and was very suspect of this recipe since I've tried other banana breads in mugs before, and I don't know what it is about this one/quantities of ingredients in this particular recipe, but it was SO GOOD.
    WILL be making this for breakfast/whenever VERY frequently. Thanks!!

    1. Awesome! So glad you enjoyed this, thanks for sharing your nice comments :)

  23. This was delicious! I added flaked almonds and only used 3/4 of the egg and it was perfect! Very satisfying. Thanks! :-)

  24. Maggie-Love your little recipe! I mix the recipe and make 2 servings in 6 oz glass custard dish. Each at 90 sec. in microwave. I eat one for dessert and keep the other for breakfast in a few day. I sometimes make
    4 and freeze them for treats for the kiddies. From the Little Ingels House in Pennsylvania--->Ginny

  25. This is totally awesome loved your perspective , thanks for sharing such a easy and yummy recipe

  26. I just made it and it was delicious. I add cinnamon and sliced almonds to the recipe. And used two tablespoons of egg.

  27. Didn't get same texture as in pic.. Disappointed

  28. Wow its really simple and easy stuff to do..

  29. I think this is a awesome idea cause I'm not a morning person so I can have banana bread with out having to make it the night before. I'm going to try it ASAP!! Although I don't know about the eggy after taste I hate plain eggs

  30. This is delicious!! I just made it for breakfast and I'm loving it. Not a perfect copycat, but I wasn't expecting perfect from a microwave cake. Would definitely be improved with nuts.

    (Those worried about the eggy aftertaste? I'm not getting any and I really dislike the taste of eggs.)

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  32. Mmm I love banana bread. So delicious!! Your pictures of it are gorgeous :)

  33. Found this recipe a couple years ago and have made it many times. Today I decided to try making a chocolate version by replacing one of the tablspoons of flour with cocoa powder. So good!

    1. Yum that sounds great Kat! Thanks for sharing so glad you are enjoying the recipe:)

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